Vision configuration

The vision component is composed of a set of independent modules, each responsible for one particular vision task (person detection, face recognition, QR code recognition, etc.). The implementation is located in the sparc/external_platform/vision folder, with the modules distributed in the following folder hierarchy :

  • facenet - contains FfaceNnet network for face recognition and Haar cascades for face detection
  • image_provider - contains the script that gets the stream of images from the robot
  • qrcodes_handler - contains the script that generates, detects and recognizes QR codes
  • segmentation - contains Resnet-18-8s network for person segmentation
  • tracking - contains implementation of SORT algorithm for object tracking
  • yolo2 - contains YOLOv2 network for object detection
  • - auxiliary file for processing data that comes from the vision modules
  • - file for combining all the modules’ outputs into a single vision result
  • - main file for running the vision component as a stand-alone application

Software Prerequisites

To test the vision component both as a stand-alone application or within the big project, the machine must install all the following required packages:

  • Cython (version >=0.27.3)
  • H5py (version >= 2.7.1)
  • Matplotlib
  • Naoqi (version >=2.5)
  • NumPy
  • OpenCV-Python (version >=
  • Python (version 2.7)
  • Pillow
  • Psutil
  • PyCrayon (version >=0.5)
  • PyTorch
  • PyZBar
  • Requests
  • TensorFlow (version >=1.2)
  • Scikit-image
  • Scikit-learn
  • SciPy

Testing the vision component

python [-r] [-v]

The script gets input images from a video camera or the robot’s camera and displays 3 images:

  • RGB image - input image with overlapped detections
    • Blue bbox - detected person. The text above represents the person ID, accuracy of detection and distance to the person
    • Yellow bbox - detected object. The text above represents the object name, accuracy of detection and distance to the object
    • Pink bbox - detected QR code. The text above represents the QR code ID, accuracy of detection and distance to the QR code
    • Green/Red bbox - recognized/unrecognized face. The text above represents the person name and accuracy of recognition
  • Depth image - depth image with overlapped bboxes representing detected people
  • Segmented image - black and white image, where the white pixels represent the segmented detected person tensorflow==1.2 Scipy scikit-learn matplotlib Pillowrequests Psutil




Naoqi 2.5.5 (if robot input required)

Testing the vision component

python [-r] [-v]

The script gets input images from a video camera or the robot’s camera and displays 3 images:

  • List item

Optional arguments: -r, –robot_stream = use the input from the robot’s camera. By default the script uses the video camera of the machine. -v, –verbose = display information about execution time.

Fine-tuning the face recognition module

The input directory that contains the training images to fine-tune the pre-trained model are in sparc/external_platform/vision/facenet/input_dir.

The pre-trained model is located in sparc/external_platform/vision/facenet/pre_model, while the fine-tuned model is located in sparc/external_platform/vision/facenet/classifier.

  1. Adding a new face to the database
  • Add a new folder containing a set of images of the new face in sparc/external_platform/vision/facenet/input_dir. The folder name should match the person name.
  • Align the face dataset using python`
  • Retrain the last layer of the pre-trained model using python
  1. Removing existing faces
  • Delete the folder associated with the face to be removed from sparc/external_platform/vision/facenet/input_dir
  • Retrain the last layer of the pre-trained model using “python

Generate new QR codes

The images representing the existing QR codes are located in sparc/external_platform/vision/qrcodes_handler/qr_codes folder. To generate new QR codes:

  1. Delete existing images from qrcodes_handler/qr_codes

  2. Modify the generate_QRcodes function in qrcodes_handler/ and add each new QR code as follows:

    new_qr_code = pyqrcode.create(‘new_qr_code_name’) new_qr_code.png(‘./qr_codes/new_qr_code_image.png’, scale=20)

  3. Run python